I've sent a few pictures of Fiona in the newsletter, but didn't post them to the site! So here are some pics to catch you up.
Siberians are awesome cats. We got her because I'm allergic to most cats, but Siberians are one of the hypoallergenic breeds. They are very intelligent, and powerful jumpers. Genetics have indicated that they are the ancestors of all long-haired cats!
This is Fiona when we first got her at 3 months old.

And at one year old. We knew Siberians were fluffballs, but... wow!
Here she is napping on top of a chair. If you have a cat, you know that they own all the chairs.
Fiona is practicing not being seen.
She loves the cushy blanket on our bed.
We've got dozens of pictures of her, of course, and I'll be posting some of them occasionally. Please comment below and let me know if you like them!
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