Debbie planted miniature corn in her garden this year, and it was a big success. Okay, it was a miniature success, but we were still happy with how well it grew.

This is not "baby corn" like you get in a can at the grocer or at a Chinese restaurant. That's regular corn that's harvested when it's only a few inches long.
Miniature corn grows 3 to 4 feet high, and develops ears that are 3 to 4 inches long and about 1 ½ inches thick.
We haven't decided how to use them yet. Definitely not corn on the cob, that wouldn't be the best use for such a unique veg. Maybe we'll make a nice soup, or put them in a salad. I'll update this post when we've made something.
I know we'll be growing miniature corn again next year, and I'm going to put up a miniature scarecrow!
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